A Soul is guided by an unseen force that feeds through it. This unseen force is part of an order that existence was founded upon and that is The Pearl Code.
To descend from the Pearl Garden there is an order. To ascend to the Pearl Garden there is an order. This order is guided by a holy principle and that is the Intellect, the very Luminous Pearl from the Preexistent One. It is from this luminous light that the Self-generated Light Spark was produced by way of the Inconceivable One. This light was of such purity that it then became anointed by the Inconceivable One. It became surrounded by the fiery luminous spring and seeded with gnosis to become what we call today, the Immaculate Seed of Light.
The principle of gnosis is to divide from that which is invisible into that which is visible, in order to discover faith. Faith is what is invisible and found in that which is visible. However, in the physical world all are seeded in ways of materialized formations. The human body is crafted with physical sensations that act as barriers keeping us from discovering what the truth of creation really is, and that is LOVE.
Love simply is and that is creation. Its principle is taught as The Pearl Code. In nature as grit forms in an oyster, it creates barriers around it, not fully accepting the grit as part of itself. It is only once the oyster stops resisting and surrenders to its flow does this grit transform into a beautiful pearl. This pearl is the very Seed of Light sown within you. It is laced in 144 rainbow ribbons of creation. These ribbons are both shadows and light rays, yet unified create your own Rainbow Robe of Glory that acts as a bridge into the Incorruptible Treasury of Light.
This robe is the Garment of Glory found in its fullness as the confirmation of the Truth adorned by way of Love. It is only when one is encased in this robe will they be encased in the bridal chamber of the fireless light, where silence reigns and immortality is gained. It is here that one is baptized by the pearlescent sparks of light from the Luminous Spring of the Inconceivable One. Transformed into dew drops that fill the very Quill of Gabriel to write the Will of God into the Book of Life. It is in that moment that you are marked as The Word of God and emitted as a pearlescent music note from the Holy Trumpet, to be forever Sealed unto the rainbow ribbons of the Holy Pearl.
You must go deep within to see the light; this is who you are. But you also must accept this light as a part of who you are because if you do not, if you doubt it at all, then you will destroy it, and this is why very few ascend as one with The Light because they are not able to accept that they are this very Light. For this Light is the only Power beheld within that can transform that which is without into that which is within, and that is The Pearl Code.
The Pearl Code book brings forth the orders of both the Luminous Aeon of Light and the Aeon Copied, known as the Underworld. It was due to the very cries of those that reside within the Underworld that the Assembly of Salvation was created from the Brotherhood of White Light, known as The Melchizedek Ur Mandate. A mandate ordained by Divine to bring the lightning and the thunder of the Christos into the Earthly Worlds. This book is for you, the Illuminator.
The 144 Seraphim and The Godhead bring forth in this book:
·       The Preexistent One
·       The Godhead
·       The Light Seed
·       The Garments of Glory and The Luminous Aeon
·       The 5 Seals and the 3 Baptisms
·       The birthing of The Blind One
·       The Nine and The Night
·       The Powers Dominion
·       The 3 Adams, 3 Trees, 3 Fruits, and 3 Seeds
·       The Sethus Seed
·       12 Immortals and 360 Heavens
·       Assembly of Salvation and Souls Ascent
·       Recover of The Light Seed by way of Ascension
·       Gabriel, The Trumpet, and The Book of Life
·       600+ Angels and MUCH MORE
Standing in the dark night, what can be seen is limited. However, once a mighty lightning bolt strikes, it illuminates both that which is seen and that which is hidden. They appear separated yet in unison they create the Image. The lightning ignites within the heart by way of Love. Anchored in the heart and not in the mind helps to create a nonresistant flow of the light that you already are. All you must do is accept it and allow it to spark within you. You will then illuminate all rays of light unto the masses so that they too are no longer blind, but become conquers of the night.
You are the Pearl Coded within the Rainbow of Gods Glory.

© Zaneta Ra 2025
This is part of channeled teachings from the 144 Seraphim.
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